At CoFutures we specialise in the harmony of strategic planning, community engagement and communication.

Learn more about our services.


We gather local intelligence to unlock insights from communities and stakeholders that informs and enriches strategic planning outcomes.

As the pace of change accelerates in our cities and regions, the need to genuinely engage with diverse communities becomes integral to deliver meaningful and transparent planning processes.

Our extensive range of digital, face-to-face and hybrid engagement approaches promote diverse participation and inclusion.

What we can do for you

Strategy & planning

  • Engagement strategy
  • Communication plans
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Risk analysis and mitigation strategies


  • Consultation materials
  • Graphic information displays
  • Brochures, posters and promotional materials
  • Survey and feedback design

Events and activations

  • Pop-ups and event planning
  • Facilitation and codesign
  • LegoTM Serious Play workshops
  • Consultation management


  • Feedback and trend analysis
  • Graphic summaries
  • Insight analysis
  • Engagement reports

Recent engagement projects

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We develop well-evidenced plans and strategies that shape urban change processes and deliver positive outcomes for people and place.

Strategic urban planning underscores every aspect of what we do. Our diverse planning expertise ranges from developing social and community infrastructure plans to municipal housing and neighbourhood character studies.

We work collaboratively with clients and communities to deliver thoughtful and pragmatic responses to challenging and complex issues facing urban and regional areas.

What we can do for you


  • Neighbourhood character studies
  • Housing strategies
  • Urban capacity analysis
  • Planning advice and review

Community & social

  • Community facility plans
  • Community needs analysis
  • Social infrastructure assessments
  • Demographic analysis and ethnographic research

Precincts & sites

  • Site and precinct analysis
  • Planning due diligence
  • Issues and opportunities analysis
  • 2D and 3D concept visualisations

Mapping & spatial

  • GIS analysis
  • Data visualisation
  • Mapmaking and plan drawing
  • Urban graphics

Recent planning projects

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We craft clear and engaging communication that distills technical concepts in meaningful ways to inspire greater participation in urban planning.

We bring together our technical planning knowledge and engagement expertise to work in harmony with our wide range of communication services.

We work objectively to craft compelling communications that clearly articulate the benefits of urban change and help communities to better understand and engage with future-facing plans and proposals.

What we can do for you

Strategic communication

  • Key messaging
  • Concepting & ideation
  • Environmental and political scans
  • Risk analysis and mitigation strategies

Digital communication

  • Social media content
  • Presentations and pitches
  • Project websites
  • Analytics and insights

Video production

  • Script writing
  • Storyboarding
  • Explainer videos
  • Motion graphics

Visual storytelling

  • Animated explainers
  • Project branding
  • Graphic design
  • Illustration

Recent multimedia projects

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