Timboon Precinct Plan

Shaping the heart of Timboon

Corangamite Shire Council
Timboon, VIC
2023 - Current

The challenge

Nestled among the rolling hills and expansive pastures of western Victoria, Timboon is a hidden gem. The township has fast become a must-visit destination and is only 15 minutes' drive to some of Victoria’s most iconic destinations, such as the 12 Apostles and the Great Ocean Road. There has been significant investment in the town in recent times, particularly through the Unlocking Housing in Timboon grant funding which has seen the development of a concept masterplan to deliver more residentially zoned and serviced land to support the growth of Timboon (CoFutures was involved in visualising the masterplan concepts).

Recent strategic work undertaken by Council identified a number of pathways and economic development opportunities for the township, in particular, the development of an urban design precinct plan to activate and harmonise activities in the township’s central activity spine. CoFutures in partnership with Includesign is leading a collaborative process with the Timboon community to develop a new precinct plan for the township.

What we did

The project started in November 2023 and to date, the team has:

  • Facilitated regular workshops, design charettes and visioning activities with a Community Working Group.
  • Delivered an engaging launch event and visioning process.
  • Graphically scribed community aspirations and priorities onto a visual mural.
  • Prepared a series of place analysis maps.


The Timboon Precinct Plan will develop a community-led vision for the township. Once completed, it will provide a resource for Council to leverage future funding opportunities to activate and implement the community vision and ongoing public realm opportunities.