CoFutures - Transforming Urban Planning

We are planning communicators, inspiring more people to participate in shaping the future of their neighbourhoods and cities.

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We gather local intelligence to unlock insights from communities and stakeholders that informs and enriches strategic planning outcomes.

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We develop well-evidenced plans and strategies that shape urban change processes and deliver positive outcomes for people and place.

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We craft clear and engaging communication that distills technical concepts in meaningful ways to inspire greater participation in urban planning.

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We make urban planning simple to understand

We believe in the power of video as an accessible and engaging communication tool to inform, educate and inspire. CoFutures crafts compelling and engaging animated videos that tell captivating urban planning stories that help to inspire action.

We're not your typical production studio. At our core we are also urban planners, engagement practitioners and communications experts. This means that we understand first-hand how to translate and distil complex concepts into clear, compelling and easy-to-understand visual stories.

See our animated explainers