Bass Coast Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy Explainer Videos
Distilling concepts of neighbourhood character and housing into an animated explainer
The challenge
Bass Coast Shire wanted to find a new way of reaching more diverse audiences, to build comprehension around strategic planning and make technical information more engaging. Having recently embarked on developing its municipal Character and Housing Strategy, an opportunity arose to create a series of animated explainer videos that integrated into a broader suite of engagement and communications approaches. The objective of the videos is to build excitement around the project, inspire participation in the engagement processes, while also helping to educate stakeholders around the more technical aspects of the project.
CoFutures is working with Bass Coast Shire to develop a series of animated explainer videos that bring to life Council’s municipal Neighbourhood Character Study and Housing Strategy.
What we did
To date we have:
- Developed a suite of key messages, video scripts and an engaging narrative around the studies.
- Created a bespoke graphic identity for the project that is consistent with the boarder suite of communication materials.
- Designed a broader graphic storyboard concepts and style frames to conceptualise the visual identity and graphic design.
- Developed a bespoke illustrated artwork and scene design.
- Produced a series of 90 - second animated explainer video including voice over, music and captions.

Two videos have been created for the first phase of the consultation process, explaining the concepts of neighbourhood character and urban change. Animated videos will continue to be used in ongoing stages of community consultation as a strategic communication tool to introduce concepts of housing change and neighbourhood character typologies.
The videos can be viewed at engage.basscoast.vic.gov.au/neighbourhoodcharacterhousing