Billy Indiarto
Billy is a strategic planning and engagement consultant with a background in design, strategic planning and multimedia.
Billy holds a Master of Urban Planning and a Bachelor of Design and is passionate about bringing technical planning concepts to life and communicating visually through storytelling. Billy is also passionate about working with communities to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes and connection to place. Alongside his strategic planning and engagement background, he brings many years of experience working in multimedia and graphic design.
Since joining CoFutures, Billy has lead and contributed to a range of strategic planning and engagement projects for the Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy, Timboon Precinct Plan, and the Bayswater Renewal Strategy.
Prior to working at CoFutures, Billy has also contributed to a range of research and place-based studies, working as a researcher and place auditor. His work on inclusivity and socio-cultural aspects of industrial areas in Dandenong South recently received a commendation by the Planning Institute of Australia.